Healthy Eating Campaign “Dale un Giro ” (Give it a Twist)

Rana Labs developed a campaign with the objective of promoting behavioral change in the nutrition of young Guatemalans. This was built for young people and adolescents from 14 to 26 years old.

It was a digital campaign that sought to provide clear information about healthy eating and motivate youth to acquire positive changes in their lifestyle, through different materials.

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Dale un giro a tus recetas (Give your recipes a twist)

Twelve video recipes were created with easy, nutritious and accessible food options to prepare in Spanish, with adaptation to 4 Mayan languages, and each recipe was diagrammed in graphic publications to reinforce the message.


Dale un giro a tus hábitos (Give your habits a twist)

Different publications were generated to provide accessible information that educates about healthy eating, providing concepts and tips on how to balance meals, portions, combining different foods, as well as breaking myths about the subject. 


Dale un giro a tus opiniones (Give a twist to your opinions)

A video activation was created through a mobile store, with different food options for a snack, challenging young people to make healthier and more accessible choices. This social experiment calls for reflection on the foods that are normally consumed in the store and how to replace them with healthier options.