Campaign on the rights of persons with disabilities “Dale la Vuelta” for Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights OACNUDH

Rana Labs designed and implemented a communication campaign to make visible, raise awareness, and promote the participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in society and uphold their fundamental human rights. The aim of the campaign was to protect the rights of people with disabilities and ensure fair access to education and decent work. Through storytelling and additional materials, we sought to raise awareness of the rights of people with disabilities through a friendly, simple and timely dialogue.

Short film “Dale la Vuelta”

The film depicts a bookstore cafe where people with different disabilities interact. Raúl, a person living with a disability, arrives at the cafe and struggles to interact with others. To combat this, the cafe makes some reasonable accommodations and promotes an environment defined by empathy and inclusion for all. 


Disabilities made visible:

  • Hearing disability
  • Physical disability
  • Visual disability
  • Musculoskeletal disability (little people)
  • Down syndrome


To generate a campaign and analyze its reach and conclusions, Rana Labs designed infographics based on the central axes of the campaign:


– Equality as a person before the law

– Psychosocial disabilities

– The right to work

– Women with disabilities

– Inclusive language

– Equality and non-discrimination

– The right to participation

– Inclusive education

– The right to accessibility


With the objective of generating a campaign and analyzing its reach and conclusions, Rana Labs designed infographics based on the central axes of the campaign:


– Equality as a person before the law

– Psychosocial disabilities

– The right to work

–  Women with disabilities

– Inclusive language

– Equality and non-discrimination

– The right to participation

– Inclusive education

– The right to accessibility